Vote on ideas
After your travel group has finished a brainstorming, there will probably be dozens of ideas on the trip-list. Now it is time to select the ones you will actually be doing on the trip.
Your group has the option to do this in the easiest way possible – by voting! Each member should go through all the added ideas and press the little “upvote” button next to the ones they like.

What do votes look like
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Who can vote on ideas?
Everyone who’s a member of a trip-list is able to vote on ideas. Encourage everyone to cast a vote on all of the ideas they find interesting. The more people participate in the voting the better the final result will be. Â
Select ideas for the trip
When settling on ideas for the trip, or even finalizing the booking it helps to have an overview of what is selected for the trip and the things that are not. To make it easy to remove the ideas that are not selected for the trip with a filter, we have added a feature called “Selected for trip”.Â
When hovering on an idea the “Select for trip” button will appear in tor top-left corner of the idea tile. If you press this button it will change color and the text will say “Selected for trip”.
All the ideas that have been marked “Selected for trip” have the possibility to be filtered, to make a quick overview of the current selections for the trip. Â

How to filter votes
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Who can vote on ideas?
Only Trip Owners and Trip Planners are able to press the “Select for trip” button on ideas. This functionality is made to make it easier for the ones managing the trip to sort out the choices.